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Lite the Nite

The Pickleball Club launches a community initiative

In 2011, four pickleball courts were drawn on the four paddle tennis courts whose foundation was the 1960s Leisure World tennis courts and were severely cracked. Seven new pickleball courts were finally built in 2018, but only four courts were lit, both to keep costs down and to see how much demand there was for night play. Membership of the Club has grown from 40 to 500+ today (there are plenty of non-member pickleballers too) and the courts are in use from pre-dawn to 10 pm year round.


$25,000 was raised in 14 weeks

In June 2021, the Pickleball Club spearheaded a community improvement initiative to raise $25,000 in order to add lights to the rest of the courts, thereby increasing the playing hours by 75%.  Donations were managed through the The Village Community Fund, a 501(c)3 non-profit community benefit organization, which meant they were tax-deductible. The Club also ran a tournament, a silent auction & dance night, and worked with Village TV and print media to raise awareness. The funds were raised in a record fourteen weeks and the lights are in use early mornings and every night.

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